Children & Youth

NURSERY: Birth to age 2 children are ministered to emotionally, physically and spiritually.


For children to be born again, baptized in the Holy Spirit, healed, delivered and discipled in the Word of God.  To help encourage children that they are special in the sight of God, using the Word of God.  We want to equip the children that attend here with the Word of God because we believe that the knowledge and application of the Truth sets us free.  We encourage children that they make a difference in their world for the Lord Jesus Christ at all times.

YOUTH – Ages 10 – 17

  • To establish and build upon the sure foundation and identity in Christ.
  • To facilitate discovery of the individual purpose and plan of God for each young person, pointing them toward their destiny.
  • To identify and encourage them in their giftings and callings.
  • To equip them for the perilous times they live in.
Harvest Christian Center